Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Reading Assignment

Comment #1
Comment #2
Comment #3

The Design of Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman

This book discusses the importance and different components of "good design." The author writes, "When you have trouble with things... it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself: blame the designer." More often than not, misuse of a product can be attributed to poor design: multi-purpose buttons, doors that should be (not obviously) pulled instead of pushed, ambiguous stove top controls, and the list goes on.

The DOET goes into detail about several different principles that should be considered when designing something:
  • Conceptual Models- users should be able to determine (roughly) how to operate the device by looking at it (scissors, pens, light switches, etc)
  • Mappings- there should be a relationship between the controls and their functions. The author calls these, "natural mappings." A light switch should control the lights for the room it is located in and not for lights on the other side of the house. If stove top burners are arranged in a square, the controls should be arranged in a similar manner (not in a line). Cars should travel in the direction that the steering wheel is turned. All of these are examples of good mappings.
  • Immediate Feedback- users should know whether the device is functioning or if progress is being made. For example, progress bars are useful when downloading something, because you have an idea of how long the process will take. Without feedback, if you clicked "download" and nothing happened, you would probably click it several more times before giving up. A few hours later when you returned to your computer, you might find your desktop cluttered with 20 copies of "HelloKittyThemeSong.mp3." How embarrassing would that be? The audible "click" and the dialog box that appears are both used by the browser as a form of immediate feedback to the user.
  • Visibility- the controls should be visible to the user. Sure, the push-release cabinet without any handles might look nice, but the average person would be unable to open it--if they even knew a cabinet existed there to begin with.
These are some of the basic principles the author considers essential to any good design.

Having had no previous knowledge of "proper design," there was a lot to learn from this book. We go about our daily lives using tools and devices, and some things are definitely easier to use than others. Instead of saying, "Wow, this is really a piece of junk," I can ask myself what it is about the design that makes the device hard to use. How can this product be changed to improve its usability? These concepts can be used to improve existing designs and make them easier to use. Errors are a part of everyday life. Most of the time, they aren't our fault. Though a good design can't completely eliminate these errors, it can certainly help to minimize their number and severity. Overall, I thought the book was enjoyable; however, it did seem to occasionally repeat itself and jump around between topics.

"There is no need to sacrifice beauty for usability or, for that matter, usability for beauty. No need to sacrifice cost or function, time to manufacture, or sales. It is possible to create things that are both creative and usable, both pleasurable and completely workable. Art and beauty play essential roles in our lives. Good designs will have it all--aesthetic pleasure, art, creativity--and at the same time be usable, workable, and enjoyable."

"Take pride in the little things that help; think kindly of the person who so thoughtfully put them in. Realize that even details matter, that the designer may have had to fight to include something helpful. Give mental prizes to those who practice good design: send flowers. Jeer those who don't: send weeds."

#1- The Design of Everyday Things

1 comment:

jcelgin said...

Very, very elaborate and well done post. I wish I had done this kind of format from the get-go. Well done.